65 years.

65 years passed from the first human flight to the moon landing. In 65 years all the machines used for flight were upgraded until one of them had all the required traits to let us lay foot on the Moon.

These technologies existed at the beginning of the 20th century, facilitating the first recognized flight of the human history, in 1903.


These images were captured only 67 years later, in 1969. It took us a bit more that half a century to get from about 10 meters to the moon.


This one of the best samples of human obsession at  the largest scale. From the beginning of time we observed birds and imagined human-like beings that had the capacity to fly. We called them gods and angels if connected to religion. If they were related to popular tradition they were fairies, and if they lacked the capability to fly, they had an animal companion able to fly, and clearly big enough to be rode. If we are talking modern age, the human learned to fly, and understood that a man without any equipment is not able to fly for a long period of time. But we managed to ignore that, and we created superheroes, men that simply ignored the laws of physics. But that’s fiction. What about reality? In reality, we already got to Mars. In reality we revolutionize flight everyday. Military, civilian, space, individual flight. We make break-troughs in many domains, but none of them is as interesting as flight. Maybe the reason is that flight is a worldwide obsession, as opposed to others. The reasons may vary, but the result is the same: form the first flight to the Moon in 67 years and to Mars, a bit over a century.

From legends, to religions, to fiction, and then to reality. This is the spectacular progress of flight, showing us something about mankind and it’s obsessions.

Desert Utopia


A city in the desert built within a semi-spherical dome. It’s covered and surrounded by solar panels, and the dome’s wall has in-built radiator to change the temperature. There are fans that can produce mild wind thus making possible any artificially created climate. The top is covered in in 3D TV panels that play videos resembling the atmosphere desired. All these gadgets will by operated by a single computer, controlled by a team of specialists that are helped by software that can manipulate all the factors creating any combination of them in order to simulate any climate. Programs to simulate certain climates have been created prior to building the city, so the specialists’ work is limited to choosing the climate desired and is more concentrated on observing the inter-changeable factors and assuring the events take a normal course.
With a population of over 3 million inhabitants, Sahara City is an autonomous city, continuing a Middle Age tradition of State Cities. It’s a simple economy where the taxes are used only to pay state’s employees (the upper mentioned specialists, the teachers, the emergency services teams, the doctors hired at the state hospital, the government elected members, and the administrative affairs employees) and to acquire the absolutely necessary things for the city. The retirement is paid by the state only to its employees; all the private firms are obliged by the constitution to ensure retirement funds for all the employees, funds that will be transferred to the company that hires them, if they choose to change workplace. The private sector is independent from the state, but has to apply some general clauses mentioned in the opening contract and the firm’s judicial statement. The school employees are paid by the government, but the money that have to be invested in consumables, repairs and other acquisitions for the school are paid in equal share the parents of the children enrolled in the respective schools.
If any citizen is due to go to jail, the expenses during his/her stay in the prison are paid from their upper mentioned private retirement fund. The prison also works like a production unit, where the in-mates have the possibility to be hired in return for a reduction of the expenses.
The most of the city lives on tourism and small firms or by being employed of touristic centers and small firms. There are a lot of hotels, motels, and apartments you can rent for a quite high price, due to the fact that this city is unique in the whole world for its very modern take on everyday life. Sahara City is the 15th tourism center in the world, but this low position is only due to the limited space to accommodate visitors. There are plans for a network of this kind of cities on the African continent, that can find a quick way to richness after other cities like this will be built, as all the surrounding area of Sahara City met a huge raise in economy shortly after the city was built. It was originally built as a tourism resort, but after the company received multiple offers for selling apartments, Sahara Invest stepped down from the lead of the city, allowing the new citizens to elect their own representatives in the local government. The city, being a self-sufficient entity was recognized as an independent city, with its own constitution and law system. Though it has a such low population, the state is the 10th richest in Africa, thanks to the huge money flow that the tourism generates.

What we made.


„When I die, if there’s a God, he should apologise for what happened here!”

This text was found scribbled on a wall in a Nazi concentration camp. It represents the cold, unflattering reality of World War II. There were attempts in maintaining world peace after the first world war, still stuck the collective memory of the entire mankind as a disturbing sample of what we were capable of. Still, the tensions amounted and the date of September 1st 1939 made those attempts fail miserably. Germany invaded Poland, and the chess pieces were arranged for an even more cruel display of what man was capable of.

It lasted until September the 2nd, 1945, when Japan signed the surrender documents, and it scarred once again the collective memory. Even there were other wars in our history that „achieved” similar consequences (for instance, Genghis Khan killed approximately as many people as Hitler), the complexity and the impact of this war made it one of the darkest periods of our history.

Soon after, some of the world powers created a system of alliances that managed to evolve into the most complex international organization:

„The United Nations (UN; French: Organisation des Nations Unies, ONU) is an international organization whose stated aims include promoting and facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, civil rights, civil liberties, political freedoms, democracy, and the achievement of lasting world peace. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions.”

This was the start of an age of diplomacy, that improved our world since. We started to realize that cooperation was our only chance of sustainable development and we acted as such. We built bridges between nations and more importantly, we created a mainframe for stopping these things from ever happening again. We stuck to the plan and are still trying to improve the relations between each other as nations.

It’s quite a long way from the scribbled inscription from that concentration camp. It shows how the mankind evolved, and with no clear signs of this evolution even slowing down, you can imagine what we are capable of accomplishing.

Sincere Regrete…

Abia acum, dupa ce am analizat situatia intr-un mod corespunzator, realizez ce greseala enorma am facut: m-am indepartat de PSD…


Va dati seama cate posibilitati am ratat? Cate functii -pe merit, nu pus politic in diverse locuri- am ratat in acest timp… Poate cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu (care e sigur social-democrat) ajungeam chiar director la Muzeul de Arta…si ma si descurcam, de o nota peste 6, ca doar aduceam  doar expozitii cu Che Guevarra, si vopseam cladirea in rosu si galben, care impreuna cu albastrul de pe fetele trecatorilor, uimiti de dibacia conducerii mele, ar fi creat un minunat tablou romanesc, cu toate cele Trei Culori, atat de drage actualului si apusului sistem social(ist)-democrat…

Ce sa zic, mai facem si greseli, ca doar suntem oameni…



Abstract? Hol = Viață…

           Hol. Întuneric. Mai fac din când în când câte o mișcare să aprind becul (deh, suntem moderni -€“ avem senzori pentru toate). Sunt singur…aud doar tastatura, o mașină de spălat pe fundal și o melodie indistinctă, din cameră
           Am un latte în față. Stau la ultima masă, ascuns de un dulap…Singur, în capătul unui hol de 20 de metri…ce mult seamănă holul ăsta cu un Univers în miniatură…o metaforă pentru o viață de lungime medie, cu o singură direcție disponibilă: înainte. La fel ca în cazul becului cu senzor, și-n viață trebuie să te zbați să-ți faci lumină. La fel ca mine acum, stai ascuns în spatele planurilor pe termen scurt, nu vrei imaginea de ansamblu. Cauți, poate, o voce care să te-ajute, dar tot ce auzi sunt sunete inutile pe fundal. Eu am un latte în hol, și tu ai metode prin care să stai treaz în lupta cu viața, dar mă tem că ambele sunt epuizabile, semi-eficiente și sunt doar un ajutor nesemnificativ, nici degrabă soluția. Pe masa de lângă e o scrumieră, un pic mai în față e un scaun mai confortabil, în partea cealaltă a holului aș avea două liniuțe în plus la semnal la wireless. Dar nu vreau să fac efortul respectiv. Ghici ce? Exact ca-n viață! Ai bucurii mici la doi pași distanță, dar tu vrei jackpot-ul din prima, nu l-ai aduna puțin câte puțin. Deja e un pattern, vezi? Aș putea enumera asemănări până dimineață, dar (sper că) te-ai prins până acum…
           A, da…există și o diferență…eu stau pe un scaun, nu mă grăbesc niciunde, am tot timpul din lume să scriu și să fiu viu…si dacă merg până la capătul coridorului, mă pot întoarce oricând înapoi. Dacă vreau ceva din spate mă întorc și îmi iau…
           Tu nu poți face asta…tu mergi doar înainte, fiecare ocazie pierdută te duce cu un pas mai departe de fericirea la care râvnești.
           Dar, dacă vrei, facem asta împreună. Eu fac câțiva pași până la scaunul mai confortabil, tu fă câțiva pași spre idealul tău. Amândoi ne vom simți mult mai bine când vom ajunge acolo.


Oase scrasnesc in a frigului gheare

Oamenii mor. E rece, n-au mancare,

Degete negre sunt strapunse de ger

Fulgii pica…

Iar strigatele se-nalta catre cer.


Vestmant alb ascunde semnele vietii

Acopera tot cu semnele tristetii.

Cate-un copac scheletic se ridica

Spre albul cer…

Intampinand parca fulgii care pica.


Printre vai se-aude vuiet de viscol

Vestindu-si venirea cu iz de pericol.

Natura adoarme sub albul covor,

Tace blajin…

Prisa sub acest infern monocolor.

O amintire…

Imi apari in vis, confuza

Meditand la colt de noapte

Langa stele, calauza

Cu-ale cerurilor soapte.


Ecouri de peste milenii

Iti impanzesc a mintii poarta.

Tu traiesti in pofida vremii

Fara destin si fara soarta.


Nu te destingi de universul

Cu care-usor te contopesti.

Nu pretuiesti deloc prezentul

Nici viitorul. Doar traiesti.


Te strecori fada peste timp

Tu nu ai teluri si nici tinte

Te vad in orice anotimp

In ale tale reci vestminte.

Ce cauti?

Toti ne nastem cautând raspunsuri si murim cautând un loc mai bun. Viata e o cautare împartita pe etape, definita de ceea ce cauti în momentul respectiv. Cautam motive de a trai, cautam metode de a trai mai confortabil, cautam persoane, sentimente, stari de spirit. Desi de multe ori gasim doar probleme, imediat cum trecem peste ele, cautam lucruri noi. Cautam dragoste, cautam liniste, cautam orice, chiar daca multi nu gasim nimic.

Oare cum ar arata o lume cu toate secretele ei îndosariate? O lume în care daca vrei sa cauti ceva, totul tine de arhive si dosare în care gasesti imediat totul. O lume atât de orbita de setea de cunoastere si autocunoastere încât distruge cautarea viitoarelor generatii. Ar fi buna o asemenea lume, tinând cont ca aceasta cautare, pâna la urma, defineste ceea ce gasesti? Oricât de crud ar fi adevarul, lumea înca nu este pregatita sa-si dezvaluie toate secretele. Mai avem mult de cautat, mai avem mult de gasit…



Şoapte se sting suav în noapte:

Dispare până şi bunătatea uşor…

Lumina se pierde printre negre fapte,

Până şi luna e stinsă de-un nor…


Dispare tot în negura uitării:

Prin fumul gros nimic nu poţi să vezi.

Dispare şi ultimul semn al primăverii,

Cu lumea tu în toamna te pierzi…


O toamnă infinită te-nconjoară:

Acum totul e veşted şi tăcut.

Nu mai ţii minte nimic legat de vară.

Fumul înghite al tuturor trecut.

Iar tu, vrei să priveşti lumina lunii:

Nu poţi trece cu privirea de nor…

Totul în jur e negru ca tăciunii:

E negru prezentul şi-i negru-n viitor.


Efix sau cum sa-ti faci reclama.

Nu stiu nimic despre carburantul Efix, nici macar la ce benzinarii se vinde, dar daca as avea masina, probabil ca as folosi Efix doar pentru reclamele lor.

Acum ceva timp au rupt gura targului cu o reclama 100% romaneasca, avand ca personaje pe langa actori si oameni care fac stand-up. Au aparut in spot Bordea si Micutul, sau doar pe ei ii recunosc eu, dar reclama e geniala:

Se pare ca Efix nu s-a multumit cu laurii din prima reclama, si a revenit recent cu o alta campanie, cu o reclama pe masura: vroiau sa accentueze faptul ca in promotie participa orice mijloc de transport cu minim un cal putere si au facut reclama asta:

Cele doua spoturi mi se par geniale, plus ca Efix, din cate stiu eu, este singurul carburant cu spoturi in Romania.

UPDATE: Efix e un produs al Rompetrol, pe care il recomand tuturor(inclusiv celor cu motor diesel) pentru reclamele genial de romanesti!